As a GIS solution provider to government, our company specializes in providing cutting-edge technology and software to help public sector organizations better manage their geographical and spatial data. We understand the unique challenges that government agencies face when it comes to managing and analyzing data, and we offer customized solutions that meet their specific needs.

Our GIS solutions can help government agencies to make informed decisions about everything from urban planning and infrastructure development to emergency management and public safety. We provide powerful mapping and visualization tools that enable government officials to view, analyze, and manipulate spatial data in real-time, allowing them to respond quickly and effectively to changing circumstances.

In addition, our GIS solutions are designed to be scalable and adaptable, meaning that they can be easily customized to meet the evolving needs of government agencies. We work closely with our clients to ensure that they have access to the latest technology and software, and we provide ongoing support to ensure that their systems are running smoothly.
e believe that our solutions can help government agencies to work more efficiently, effectively, and collaboratively, and we are committed to helping them achieve their goals.

Hawaii Revealed..

Our GIS solution provides visitors to Hawaii with a comprehensive audio tour and interactive map, allowing them to easily locate Resorts, Restaurants, Beaches, Sights, and more. With an average daily visitor count of 50 thousand plus people on Hawaii Island alone, This Solution is designed to enhance the experience of exploring the tropical landscape and culture of the state, This platform also offers real-time weather and safety updates, as well as unbiased reviews of popular attractions, ensuring visitors can make informed decisions about their itinerary. This also includes offline maps of the islands, so users can explore local gems and gorgeous waterfalls even without internet access. By using this GIS solution, visitors can have a more personalized and engaging experience, discovering hidden culinary adventures and other local attractions beyond the typical tourist hotspots.

Drone Sensing Data Collection..

SeekOps, an environmental data collection company trusted by top operators in the energy industry, approached App Maisters (AM) to develop an Android tablet app that allows them to control drones equipped with sensors to collect environmental data, plan drone missions, and perform real-time analysis for actionable insights. AM delivered an end-to-end GIS solution, utilizing Mapbox SDK to track the drone's location and collect air quality data to identify and report emission leaks. The data was encrypted and sent securely to SeekOps' AWS cloud servers. The app provides tailored, cost-effective, safe, and efficient emissions monitoring solutions with industry-recognized, unparalleled field services.

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